Saturday 13 April 2013

Introducing: Miss PacMan (Topic 1 number 1)

Hello Everyone :)

My name is Miss Pac-Man and i was born on May 22 1980 by a Japenese game designer Toru Iwantani. My name, Pacman derived from the Japanese slang word "paku-paku", which means "to eat".  I am described as a yellow, pie shaped Pac-Man creature with a bright red bow and lips. I travel around a maze with a dark blue background trying to munch dots and different types of fruit (Rosenberg, n.d). I avoid four terrifying different coloured ghost monsters named: Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde (Rathjen, n.d). My goal in life to pass and succeed each level or phase that appears. I am able to find information about myself online, on all sorts of different websites for example: The biggest area online that I, as Miss Pac-Man have participated on is through social networking via twitter and facebook for example and through media networking via for example: My digital footprint has appeared all over the world which started in Japen, then spread quickly to the USA. Here are some examples of my digital footprint: ,  , and many more.

Figure 1: Ghost names pacman (Ghost names pacman, n.d).
Figure 2: Miss pacman (Miss pacman, 2009).


1. Rosenburg, J. n.d. Pac-Man. Available:  ( [Accessed 14 March 2013]

2. Figure 1 -  Ghost names pacman. n.d. [image online]. Available at: [Accessed 15 March 2013].

3. Figure 2- MS pacman. 2009. [image online]. Available at: [Accessed 11 April 2013].

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