Wednesday 17 April 2013

Internet "Easter Eggs" (Topic 1 number 2)

Helloooo :)

My understanding of an Internet "Easter egg" is the information that is hidden that could be obtained by typing in a set of commands in a search engine. This information can be in different formats such as an image or a text message. An example of an Internet "Easter egg" is cheat codes for gaming (Essack, 2013).

Below is a list of 10 Examples of Internet Easter Eggs:

Ten Internet "Easter eggs" are:

1. Funny Google Searches Easter Egg
2. The Oatmeal Easter Egg
3. Product Page Destruction
4. Kickstarter Easter Egg
5. Nine Inch Nails Easter Egg
6. Spinal Tap IMDb Easter Egg
7. Wikipedia's Intentionally Blank Page Easter Egg
8. Skybet's Spreadsheet Easter Egg
9. The Konami Code Easter Egg
10. Black Acre Brewing Easter Egg

A quick way to access this information about the ten  internet "easter eggs" are found on this website:

This image is an example of a type of Google Internet "Easter Egg":
Figure 3: Funny interesting google searches Easter eggs (Google searches, 2012).


1. Essack, Y. 2013. Internet Easter eggs. Available: ( [Accessed 14 March 2013]

2. Funny easter eggs. 2012. Available: ( [Accessed: 15 April 2013]

3. Figure 3-  Funny interesting google searches Easter eggs. 2012. [image online]. Available at: [Accessed 17 April 2013].

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