Saturday 25 May 2013

Internet infrastructure-Connectivity (Topic 2 number 7)

Hello:) :)

 Figure 8 - Picture of Vodafone 31 Mbps modem (Olx, n.d ).

My internet infrastructure allowing me to connect to the World Wide Web is that a Vodafone Mobile Connect Lite application needs to be installed. This enables the use of connectivity. Once this application has been installed, i need to connect to my internet service provider which will supply me with a connection to the web. Then i connect a 3G modem to the usb hub of the computer. The application installed, the connectivity is achieved by pressing connect and opening the internet. This is my internet infrastructure allowing my connectivity.

Figure 9 -  (Reslib, n.d).
Figure 10 - Planet (Cornell, n.d).


1. Figure 8 - Picture of Vodafone 31 Mbps modem. n.d. [image online]. Available at: [Accessed 25 May 2013].

2. Figure 9 - Anon. n.d. [image online]. Available at: [Accessed 25 May 2013].

3. Figure 10 - Planet. n.d. [image online]. Available at: [Accessed 25 May 2013].

E-commerce poll question (Topic 2 number 8)

  • Always
  • Sometimes
  • Almost never
  • Never
More polls: Online polls
The most correct answer is: Never.

Figure 11 -  Question (Blogspot, 2012).

Figure 12 - Dollar sign(Photoman, 2012). 

Figure 13 - eCommerce (Techpus, 2011). 


1. Waller, E. 2011. Do you shop online. Available: ( [Accessed 25 May 2013 ].

2. Figure 11 - Question. 2012. [image online]. Available at: [Accessed 21 May 2013].

3. Figure 12 - Dollar sign. 2012. [image online]. Available at:  [Accessed 20 May].

4. Figure 13 - eCommerce. 2011. [Image online]. Available at: [Accessed 20 May 2013].

Friday 24 May 2013

E-commerce website consumer credibility (Topic 2 number 11)


E-commerce stands for Electronic commerce. E-commerce is the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet- World Wide Web (Rouse, 2005).

A consumer to have a way to evaluate an e-commerce website testing its credibility is to make sure the consumer reviews the content, attractiveness, advertisement and functionality of the e-commerce website (Madison, n.d ).  

Two reasons that a consumer might be able to assess an e-commerce website is credible or not is by checking if the e-commerce website has the right software as well as the correct maintenance for the website (Sharoo, 2013).

Figure 17 : E-commerce (marktechx, n.d.)

Figure 18 : E-Commerce Is Changing (Buiusness Computing World, 2012).


1. Rouse, M. 2005. e-commerce (electronic commerce or EC). Available: ( [Accessed 24 May 2013].

2. Madison, R. n.d. How to Evaluate an E commerceWebsite. Available: ( [Accessed 24 May 2013].

3.missfisher130917. 2013.ways consumer might assess whether an e-commerce website is credible or not, [blog] 15 May. Available at: [Accessed  24 May 2013].

4. Figure 17 -  E-commerce.n.d. [image online]. Available at: [Accessed 24 May 2013].

5. Figure 18 -E-commerce Is Changing. 2012. [image online]. Available at: [Accessed 24 May 2013].

Wednesday 22 May 2013

RSS aggregator (Topic 2 number 9)

Hello :)

Its me Miss Pacman
Figure 14 : Ms Pacman (Arcade, n.d.)

My own definition of an RSS aggregator can also called a feed aggregator. An RSS aggregator is a  client software or a web application for example: news headlines, blogs, podcasts, information on a profile and video blogs in one location for easy access and for everyone to see (Anon. n.d).


1.  Figure 14 - Ms Pacman. n.d. [image online] Available at: [Accessed 22 May 2013].

2.  Anon. n.d. RSS aggregator. Available: ( [Accessed 22 May 2013]. 


Friday 17 May 2013

Tiger Woods (Topic 2 number 5)

Hello :) :)

Word or Phrase: "Tiger Woods"
Category: Sports and fitness

Global Monthly Searches : 1,500,000
Local Monthly Searches : 823,000

Tiger Woods is a professional golf player. He was born in Cyprus, California on the 30 of December, 1975. Tiger Woods was the youngest man and the first African American to earn the title of the U.S. Masters at Augusta in 1997 at the age of 21.
This is a quote from Tiger Woods:

"The greatest thing about tomorrow is, I will be better than I am today...There is no such thing as a setback. The lessons I learn today I will apply tomorrow, and I will be better." (

Figure 7: Tiger Woods College (Turner, n.d.)




3.  Figure 7- Tiger Wood College. n.d. [image online]. Available at: [Accessed 18 May 2013].


Hello :)

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?><report>

A UTF-8 is a type of character encoding is a method to present characters so that computers can understand. The character encoding is basically how to turn the characters into 0s and 1s. The UTF-8 is the most recent character encoding which is developed that will support all the characters from a list called Unicode. Unicode assigns a number called code point for each of the characters that it recognises.  The UTF-8 provides a way to represent the code points as bits (Anon, 2009).



2. Anon.. 2009. UTF explained. Available: (  [Accessed 15 May 2013].

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Examples of Technology (Topic 1 number 4)

Figure 5: Tumblr (Tumblr, n.d.) 

Hello :)

Technology can be defined as a " branch of the knowledge that deals with the creation and the use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment which also includes drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts,engineering, applied science, and pure science" (, 2013).

Figure 6: Shuttershock (Briansolis,2013)

Three examples of technology are:
1. Twitter
2. Facebook
3. Blackberry Messenger

Twitter is a form of micro-blogging service that enables internet users to send and read text based messages. Twitter can be accessed by any type of technology for example an Ipone or Ipad (Deepchund, 2013). Blackberry Messenger is a term which stands for BBM in which users can send and receive messages in seconds with up to 2000 characters, and users are able to know when a message has been delivered and read (Deepchund, 2013). The user can share photos, videos, voice notes and files of up to 6MB. BBM can only be accessed via using a Blackberry phone. Facebook is a well known networking service and website that allows people all over the world to get to know each other via this website(Deepchund, 2013). On facebook, the internet users create a personal profile by adding photos,information about themselves (the users) or any information in which the internet user cares to share on his or her profile and by adding other users as friends (Deepchund, 2013).


1.  Figure 5- Tumblr. n.d. [image online]. Available at: [Accessed 12 May 2013].

2. 2013. [online]. Available at: 2013 [Accessed 15 May 2013].

3.  Figure 6- Shutterstock. 2013. [image online]. Available at: [Accessed 17 April 2013].

4.  Deepchund, D. 2013. Examples of Technology that influence internet users relationships. Available: ( [Accessed 15 May 2013]

Thursday 25 April 2013

"Eliminar" Google Translate "DELETE" (Topic 2 number 10)

"elimine la carpeta llamada "eliminar" en el escritorio" translates to : "delete the folder called" delete "on the desktop".

Figure 15 - Translate language codes (mnemotechnics, 2012). 

The steps to complete this process:

1. Connect to the internet

2. Go onto the URL and type in :
3. On the top left corner, the menu bar says "translate"
4. Click on the translate option and wait for the page to open
5. Once opened, select the language in which you want to translate a word or a phrase then write down on the white block found on the left side if the page
6. Wait for the translated word or phrase to appear on the right hand side of the page
7. Process completed

Figure 16 - Google Translate (mhpbooks, 2012).


1. Figure 15 - Google translate language. 2012. [image online]. Available at: [Accessed 25 April 2013].


3. Figure 16- Google translate. 2012. [image online]. Available at: [Accessed 25 April 2013].

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Robot Easter Eggs Firefox (Topic 1 number 3)

Heeellloooo :)

This is an image of a Robot Easter egg :)

Figure 4: About robots (firefox, 2008).


1. About:robots – Firefox 3 Secret!. 2008. [image online]. Available at: [Accessed 2 May 2013].

Internet "Easter Eggs" (Topic 1 number 2)

Helloooo :)

My understanding of an Internet "Easter egg" is the information that is hidden that could be obtained by typing in a set of commands in a search engine. This information can be in different formats such as an image or a text message. An example of an Internet "Easter egg" is cheat codes for gaming (Essack, 2013).

Below is a list of 10 Examples of Internet Easter Eggs:

Ten Internet "Easter eggs" are:

1. Funny Google Searches Easter Egg
2. The Oatmeal Easter Egg
3. Product Page Destruction
4. Kickstarter Easter Egg
5. Nine Inch Nails Easter Egg
6. Spinal Tap IMDb Easter Egg
7. Wikipedia's Intentionally Blank Page Easter Egg
8. Skybet's Spreadsheet Easter Egg
9. The Konami Code Easter Egg
10. Black Acre Brewing Easter Egg

A quick way to access this information about the ten  internet "easter eggs" are found on this website:

This image is an example of a type of Google Internet "Easter Egg":
Figure 3: Funny interesting google searches Easter eggs (Google searches, 2012).


1. Essack, Y. 2013. Internet Easter eggs. Available: ( [Accessed 14 March 2013]

2. Funny easter eggs. 2012. Available: ( [Accessed: 15 April 2013]

3. Figure 3-  Funny interesting google searches Easter eggs. 2012. [image online]. Available at: [Accessed 17 April 2013].

Saturday 13 April 2013

Introducing: Miss PacMan (Topic 1 number 1)

Hello Everyone :)

My name is Miss Pac-Man and i was born on May 22 1980 by a Japenese game designer Toru Iwantani. My name, Pacman derived from the Japanese slang word "paku-paku", which means "to eat".  I am described as a yellow, pie shaped Pac-Man creature with a bright red bow and lips. I travel around a maze with a dark blue background trying to munch dots and different types of fruit (Rosenberg, n.d). I avoid four terrifying different coloured ghost monsters named: Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde (Rathjen, n.d). My goal in life to pass and succeed each level or phase that appears. I am able to find information about myself online, on all sorts of different websites for example: The biggest area online that I, as Miss Pac-Man have participated on is through social networking via twitter and facebook for example and through media networking via for example: My digital footprint has appeared all over the world which started in Japen, then spread quickly to the USA. Here are some examples of my digital footprint: ,  , and many more.

Figure 1: Ghost names pacman (Ghost names pacman, n.d).
Figure 2: Miss pacman (Miss pacman, 2009).


1. Rosenburg, J. n.d. Pac-Man. Available:  ( [Accessed 14 March 2013]

2. Figure 1 -  Ghost names pacman. n.d. [image online]. Available at: [Accessed 15 March 2013].

3. Figure 2- MS pacman. 2009. [image online]. Available at: [Accessed 11 April 2013].